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These functions provide advanced capabilities for interacting with the environment.

getgc([include_tables: boolean])

Retrieves a table of all Lua objects in the garbage collector.

local gc_objects = getgc(true)  -- Include tables
  • include_tables: (Optional) If true, includes tables and userdata in the result.

Returns: A table containing all garbage collector objects.

filtergc(type_name: string, options: table, return_one?: boolean)

Filters garbage collector objects based on specified criteria for functions or tables.

-- Example finding functions with specific constants
local func = filtergc("function", {
    Constants = {"Player", "Character"},
    IgnoreExecutor = true
}, true)

-- Example finding tables with specific keys
local tables = filtergc("table", {
    Keys = {"Health", "Speed"},
    Values = {100}

type_name: String, must be either "function" or "table"
options: Table containing filter criteria
return_one: (Optional) Boolean, if true returns only the first match

Function Filter Options:
Name: String - Function name to match
Constants: Table - Array of constants that must all exist in the function
Upvalues: Table - Array of upvalues that must all exist in the function
Hash: String - Specific function hash to match
Environment: Table - Specific environment table to match
StartLine: Number - Starting line number to match
IgnoreExecutor: Boolean - If true (default), ignores Zenith functions

Table Filter Options:
Keys: Table - Key names that must exist in the table
Values: Table - Values that must exist in the table
KeyValuePairs: Table - Specific key-value pairs that must match exactly
Metatable: Table - Specific metatable to match

If return_one is true: Returns the first matching object or nil if none found
If return_one is false: Returns an array of all matching objects

-- Find a function with specific constants and name
local result = filtergc("function", {
    Constants = {"Health", "Damage"},
    Name = "calculateDamage"
}, true)

-- Find all tables with specific values and metatable
local results = filtergc("table", {
    Values = {100, 200},
    Metatable = getrawmetatable(game)

-- Find tables with specific key-value pairs
local tables = filtergc("table", {
    KeyValuePairs = {
        PlayerName = "John",
        Score = 100


Retrieves the global environment of the exploit's Lua state.

local env = getgenv()

Returns: The global environment table.


Retrieves the global environment of the Roblox Lua state.

local renv = getrenv()

Returns: The Roblox global environment table.

getscriptbytecode(script: Instance)

dumpstring(script: Instance)

Retrieves the bytecode of a Roblox script.

local bytecode = getscriptbytecode(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule)
  • script: A Roblox Script, LocalScript, or ModuleScript instance.

Returns: The script's bytecode as a string, or an error message if not available.

getscriptclosure(script: Instance)

getscriptfunction(script: Instance)

Retrieves the closure (function) of a Roblox script.

local closure = getscriptclosure(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule)
  • script: A Roblox Script, LocalScript, or ModuleScript instance.

Returns: The script's closure as a function, or nil if not available.

getscripthash(script: Instance)

Generates a hash of the script's bytecode.

local hash = getscripthash(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule)
  • script: A Roblox Script, LocalScript, or ModuleScript instance.

Returns: A SHA-384 hash of the script's bytecode, or nil if not available.

gettenv(thread: thread)

Retrieves the environment of a specified thread.

local env = gettenv(coroutine.create(function() end))
  • thread: A Lua thread (coroutine).

Returns: The environment table of the specified thread.

getscriptfromthread(thread: thread)

Retrieves the Roblox script associated with a thread.

local script = getscriptfromthread(coroutine.create(function() end))
  • thread: A Lua thread (coroutine).

Returns: The Roblox Script instance associated with the thread, or nil if not found.




Gets the current thread's security context level.

local identity = getthreadidentity()

Returns: An integer representing the current thread's security context level.

setthreadidentity(identity: number)

setidentity(identity: number)

setthreadcontext(identity: number)

Sets the current thread's security context level.

local old_identity = setthreadidentity(7)
  • identity: An integer representing the desired security context level.

Returns: The previous security context level.


Retrieves all Lua threads in the current state.

local threads = getallthreads()

Returns: A table containing all Lua threads.

getsenv(script: Instance)

Retrieves the environment of a running Roblox script.

local env = getsenv(game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.PlayerModule)
  • script: A Script, LocalScript, or ModuleScript instance.

Returns: The environment table of the specified script if it's running, otherwise throws an error.

decompile(script: Instance)

Decompiles and returns readable Lua output from a LocalScript or ModuleScript

local decompiled_script = decompile(game.StarterPack.CoolScript)
  • script: A Script, LocalScript, or ModuleScript instance.

Returns: The script in a readable, decompiled output.