These functions provide advanced capabilities for interacting with Roblox Instances and their properties.
setfflag(flagName: string, value: any): boolean
Sets a Fast Flag (FFlag) to a specified value.
Returns: A boolean indicating whether the flag was successfully set.
isnetworkowner(instance: Instance): boolean
Checks if the local player is the network owner of the given instance.
Returns: A boolean indicating network ownership.
gethui(): Instance
Retrieves a clone of the CoreGui service that can be used for GUI manipulation.
Returns: A CoreGui instance.
firesignal(signal: RBXScriptSignal, ...args)
Fires a Roblox signal with the given arguments.
getproperties(instance: Instance, [propertyType: number]): table
Retrieves all properties of an instance, optionally filtered by property type.
Returns: A table of property names.
gethiddenproperties(instance: Instance, [propertyType: number]): table
Retrieves all hidden properties of an instance, optionally filtered by property type.
Returns: A table of hidden property names.
getinstancelist(): table
Retrieves the internal instance list used by the exploit.
Returns: A table containing all instances.
setsimulationradius(radius: number)
Sets the simulation radius of the local player.
getsimulationradius(): number
Gets the current simulation radius of the local player.
Returns: The current simulation radius.
fireclickdetector(clickDetector: Instance, [distance: number])
Simulates a click on a ClickDetector.
firetouchinterest(part: Instance, touchingPart: Instance, isTouching: boolean)
Simulates a touch event between two parts.
firetouchinterest(workspace.TouchPart, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, true)
firetouchinterest(workspace.TouchPart, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, false)
fireproximityprompt(proximityPrompt: Instance)
Triggers a ProximityPrompt.
getcallbackvalue(instance: Instance, property: string): function
Retrieves the callback function associated with a property.
local event ="BindableFunction")
event.OnInvoke = print
local callback = getcallbackvalue(event, "OnInvoke")
Returns: The callback function.
getconnections(signal: RBXScriptSignal): table
Retrieves all connections to a given signal.
Returns: A table of Connection objects. Each Connection object has the following structure:
Function = function, -- The function attached to this connection
State = boolean, -- Whether the connection is currently enabled
Thread = thread, -- The thread associated with this connection (if any)
Fire = function, -- Function to fire this specific connection
Defer = function, -- Function to defer firing this connection
Disable = function, -- Function to disable this connection
Enable = function, -- Function to enable this connection
Disconnect = function -- Function to disconnect this connection
Example usage and output:
local part = workspace.Part
local connections = getconnections(part.Touched)
for i, connection in ipairs(connections) do
print("Connection", i)
print(" Function:", connection.Function)
print(" State:", connection.State)
print(" Thread:", connection.Thread)
-- You can interact with the connection
connection.Fire() -- Fires just this connection
connection.Disable() -- Disables this connection
connection.Enable() -- Enables this connection
connection.Disconnect() -- Disconnects this connection
getconnection(signal, index): Connection
Returns the Connection of signal
at index
. Alias of getconnections(signal)[index]
local part = workspace.Part
local connection = getconnection(part.Touched, 1)
print(" Function:", connection.Function)
print(" State:", connection.State)
print(" Thread:", connection.Thread)
getcustomasset(filePath: string): string
Loads a file from the workspace folder as a custom asset.
Returns: A content ID for the custom asset.
isscriptable(instance: Instance, property: string): boolean
Checks if a property of an instance is scriptable.
Returns: A boolean indicating if the property is scriptable.
setscriptable(instance: Instance, property: string, scriptable: boolean): boolean
Sets whether a property of an instance is scriptable.
Returns: The previous scriptable state of the property.
setrbxclipboard(content: string)
Sets the Roblox clipboard content.
getrendersteppedlist(descriptive: boolean): table
Returns all callbacks bound with RunService:BindToRenderStep
By default descriptive argument is false
If descriptive is passed as true then it will return a table of Renderstep objects, Each Renderstep object has the following structure:
func = function, -- The function attached to this renderstep
priority = number,-- The priority that this renderstep is bound to
name = string, -- The name specified
-- a non descriptive version
for i, v in getrendersteppedlist() do
print(i, v)
-- a descriptive version
for i, v in getrendersteppedlist(true) do
print(i, "function:", v.func, "priority:", v.priority, "name:",
replicatesignal(signal: RBXScriptSignal)
Replicates signal
on the server.
If signal
has one or multiple arguments, they must be provided in the call.
Some signals require arguments, if you want to know their arguments you can go here
replicatesignal(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Kill) --> Kills you
local sword = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.ClassicSword
replicatesignal(sword.Activated) --> Swings the sword
replicatesignal("TextButton").MouseButton1Down, 1, 1) --> Invokes a server-sided MouseButton1Down connection on the server
getpcd(instance: TriangleMeshPart): string, string
Returns a 16-byte hash and binary data corresponding to TriangleMeshPart’s PhysicalConfigData property.
getunionassetid(instance: UnionOperation): string
Equivalent to gethiddenproperty(union, "AssetId")
getbspval(instance: Instance, string: property, boolean: base64): string
Reads a BinaryString property’s value. Useful for reading conventionally unreadable BinaryString properties such as Terrain.SmoothGrid, PartOperation.PhysicsData, BinaryStringValue.Value, and so on.